Submission Information

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Submission and Authorization Agreement

Representative Image Guidelines

Your representative image will be used both as an identifying image for your submission during the jurying and selection process and in publications or for media purposes if your work is accepted. It is important that you have permissions to use this image. If your work is a technical session such as a panel or course and you cannot think of how to best represent your proposal, you may consider a picture of a speaker or an image that conveys the appropriate area of computer graphics or interactive techniques. Every submission must include at least one representative image. You may optionally upload up to two additional representative images to provide extra choices for media use.

At a minimum, submissions require one clear digital image of the highest print quality possible, pixel resolution of at least 1500 x 1200 (at least 300 dpi at 5 inches wide, with depth proportional) or the highest possible screen grab. Images must be submitted in a 24-bit (RGB, 8-bits per channel) uncompressed, highest-detail JPEG format file possible. A standard ICC color profile of sRGB is also recommended and will be assumed if not specified. Avoid embedded rules, layers, tags, masks, color models (for example, CMYK), etc. If in doubt, use an image editor to paste into a new file.

Please also specify copyright and image credits at time of upload for use with each image. The file upload manager offers an input field for this optional information. Note: higher resolution images are often favored by media for publication use, so the minimum resolution is only a guideline.

Website Image Guidelines

Educator's Resources Submission option

English Review Service

/en/submitters/student-volunteers /en/submitters/recognition-policy