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Experience Pass (EP)
Exhibitor Pass (EP)
Date: Wednesday, December 5th
Time: 3:35pm - 4:35pm
Venue: Hall E, Experience Hall (B2F, E Block)
Summary: We present HapTwist, a toolkit that facilitates the creation of interactive haptic proxies for hand-graspable VR objects using Rubik's Twists (RTs). The toolkit consists of the algorithm that generates RT-based structures, and a set of software scaffoldings and hardware modules to support the interactivity of the haptic proxies.
Presenter(s): Kening ZHU, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Taizhou CHEN, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Shaoyu CAI, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Feng HAN, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yi-Shiun WU, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Summary: Rapture of the Deep is an interactive Virtual Reality experience with eye tracking. The Experience is set in an underwater scenario using eye tracking as the main mechanism which allows the environment to react to the player's gaze and attention.
Presenter(s): Monja Dietrich, Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg, Animationsinstitut, Germany
Enzio Probst, Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg, Animationsinstitut, Germany
Vincent Suttner, Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg, Animationsinstitut, Germany
Theres Buehler, Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg, Animationsinstitut, Germany

Summary: Self-umbrelling is a HMD interaction system that provides an experience approximating an out-of-body-experience involving the reversal of the subjective perception of the direction of gravity. Specifically, opening an umbrella while lying on one's back switches one's view from 1PP to 3PP originating from a position just above the supine body.
Presenter(s): KENRI KODAKA, Nagoya City University, Japan
KOYO MORI, Nagoya City University, Japan