Full Conference Pass (FC)
Full Conference One-Day Pass (1D)
Basic Conference Pass (BC)
Student One-Day Pass (SP)
Experience Pass (EP)
Exhibitor Pass (EP)
Summary: Our demo provides seated participants a sensation as if they are traveling to the several tourist sites by presenting multisensory stimulation to their whole body. They can hear and look around the environment of the playing-omnidirectional video but they cannot change the pathways of walking.
Presenter(s): Kouichi Shimizu, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Gaku Sueta, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Kentaro Yamaoka, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Kazuki Sawamura, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Yujin Suzuki, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Keisuke Yoshida, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Vibol Yem, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Yasushi Ikei, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Tomohiro Amemiya, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan
Makoto Sato, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Koichi Hirota, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Michiteru Kitazaki, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan