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Date: Thursday, December 6th
Time: 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Venue: Hall E, Experience Hall (B2F, E Block)
RFIDesk: An Interactive Surface for Multi-Touch and Rich-ID Stackable Tangible Interactions
Emerging Technologies Talk: RFIDesk is an interactive surface that enables both multi-touch and rich-ID stackable tangible interactions. It uses ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio-frequency identification (RFID) for recognizing the rich-ID stacking of tangible blocks and integrates indium tin oxide (ITO) for capacitive multi-touch detection while preserving the interface transparency.
Speaker(s): Meng-Ju Hsieh, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Hap-Link : Wearable Haptic Device on the Forearm that Presents Haptics Sensations Corresponding to the Fingers
Emerging Technologies Talk: We developed a device presents the haptic sensation of the fingertip to the forearm rather than to the fingertip for objects in virtual reality environment. The device adopts a five-bar linkage mechanism and Peltier elements, presents the strength, direction of a force, vibration and the thermal sensation to the forearm.
Speaker(s): Taha Moriyama, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Relaxushion: Controlling the Rhythm of Breathing for Relaxation by Overwriting Somatic Sensation
Emerging Technologies Talk: "Relaxushion" is cushion shaped device which enables us to control breath unconsciously by overwriting somatic sensation of our breathing. By embracing this device, we get a cushion’s motion confused with our breathing motion. This illusion strongly modifies our breathing rhythms and helps us to become relaxed state.
Speaker(s): Yuki Ban, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Hiroyuki Karasawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Rui Fukui, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Shin'ichi Warisawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan

TactGAN: Vibrotactile Designing Driven by GAN-based Automatic Generation
Emerging Technologies Talk: TactGAN helps us to design vibrotactile feedbacks rapidly. With this system, we can generate vibrotactile stimuli from images and user-defined attribute values such as material kinds or tactile words. We can design vibrotactile feedback on the touchscreen while touching and comparing the generated stimuli.
Speaker(s): Yuki Ban, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Yusuke Ujitoko, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
Yusuke Ujitoko is a researcher at Hitachi, Ltd., Japan. He received a B.E. degree in mechanical engineering and M.A.E. degree in inter-disciplinary information studies from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2014 and 2016. His research interests include applied haptic perception and haptic interfaces.

Magnetact: Magnetic-sheet-based Haptic Interfaces for Touch Devices
Emerging Technologies Talk: We propose a very simple rapid prototyping method of haptic interfaces for touch devices. The sheet-like interface for a capacitive touch screen is composed of magnetic rubber sheets and conductive materials. Moreover, using a magnetizing toolkit, the haptic feedback can be changed within seconds.
Speaker(s): Kentaro Yasu, NTT, Communication Science Lab., Japan